Cover of the Month

This is an eclectic group of covers posted over many years and by a variety of members. Steve Shay should be credited with most of these.  Many of the archived covers give highlights of the ship’s history, the cachet maker if appropriate and what the cancellation date and type are.

USS Sirius (AK-15)

USS Sirius (AK-15) In the late 1930’s it was apparent to the United States military and government that there was potential trouble brewing just over the horizon. Consequently, efforts were made to put defenses in place in strategic locations. The

ICEX – 86

ICEX -86 By Steve Shay (L-10,821) On May 6, 1986, three US Navy Sturgeon class nuclear attack submarines rendezvoused and surfaced together at the North Pole. This event occurred while the submarines were participating in ICEX 1-86, an Arctic Ocean