For several years, our website featured a USCS member each month with a short article. Most of these were written by Steve Shay. We have had, and still do have, remarkable members, with significant stories of fascinating endeavors and encounters. This collection of Member of the Month articles documents their stories, and their noteworthy accomplishments.

Hall, Marshall Renwood
November 19, 2020
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Marshall Renwood Hall, USCS #10 He was a newspaper man who wrote a financial column and was stamp editor for the Ohio State Journal in Columbus, OH when he became

Fernandez, Anthony C.
November 18, 2020
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Anthony C. Fernandez, USCS #H-1217 As any USCS exhibitor will tell you, the Anthony Fernandez Award is the top honor that USCS awards its exhibitors, the Grand Award. As the

Lawton, William H. “Bill”
November 18, 2020
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William H. “Bill” Lawton, USCS #H-2500 William H. “Bill” Lawton was an important member of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society (USCS) who contributed much to the betterment of the society

Kasper, Christian
November 18, 2020
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Christian Kasper, USCS #12120 “You can’t start a fire without a spark”. These lyrics from the song “Dancing in the Dark” by Bruce Springsteen perhaps best reflect how I got

Knowlson, Chester Spence
November 18, 2020
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Chester Spence Knowlson, USCS #H-1444 Navo-philatelist You may already be acquainted with Chester Knowlson in the field of naval cancellations, as you may have covers addressed to him or some

Klotzbach, Lewis C.
November 18, 2020
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Lewis C. Klotzbach, USCS #608 I am now 96 years old and I joined the USCS in 1934. In 1927, our family was living in Buffalo, NY and I was

Neuthor, Kay
November 18, 2020
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Kay Neuthor, USCS #8466 There once was a little boy. He stood on the shore of Kiel Fjord, the bay which leads into Kiel harbor. He watched as the big

Duefrane, John
November 18, 2020
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John Duefrane, USCS #7947 John was born on May 10, 1943 in the city of Milford, Connecticut, only about 60 miles from New York City. Like most of us his

McCamley, Myron Fisher
November 18, 2020
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Myron Fisher McCamley, USCS #179 Navo-philatelist of Yesterday More known as Oregon’s Cachetmaker of the 20 th Century, Myron was an early member (USCS #179) of the Universal Ship Cancellation

Lance, Archie Johnson
November 18, 2020
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Archie Johnson Lance, USCS #1826 Navo-philatelist Archie J. Lance is a name known to almost every collector of naval covers – a name linked to our hobby of navo-philately, like

Cobos, Emil
November 18, 2020
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Emil Cobos, USCS #7020 Emil Cobos was born in New York, NY on December 25, 1927. At the age of 14-months Emil had his first sea experience when his grandfather

Wager, John
November 18, 2020
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John Wager, USCS #4106 On April 16th I received an email from a former USCS member who had sixty naval covers he wanted to send me free of charge.

Wielki, Eugene J.
November 18, 2020
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Eugene J. Wielki, USCS #2312 “Hygiene is the only course taught at the U.S. Naval Academy by act of congress,” was Gene Wielki’s cheerful and humorous response to the greeting,

Briend, Laurence J.
November 18, 2020
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Laurence J. Briend, USCS #6256 Larry Briend was a native New Yorker. He was born in Manhattan and grew up on the west side, near 34th Street. He was educated in

Dyer, George Carroll
November 18, 2020
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Vice Admiral George Carroll Dyer, USCS #1667 Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota 17 April 1898, Vice Admiral George C. Dyer, U.S. Navy (Retired) was graduated from the United States Naval Academy

Mittl, Kurt
November 18, 2020
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Kurt Mittl, USCS #5091 In 1960, I joined the German Air Force and in 1962 while stationed at the VIMY Barracks in Freising, Germany together with the 604th USAF,