For several years, our website featured a USCS member each month with a short article. Most of these were written by Steve Shay. We have had, and still do have, remarkable members, with significant stories of fascinating endeavors and encounters. This collection of Member of the Month articles documents their stories, and their noteworthy accomplishments.

Tom Armstrong, USCS #9909
December 17, 2020
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Tom Armstrong, USCS #9909 Tom, along with PC1 Pastrana aboard USS Kittyhawk I was born December 1948 in Cleveland Ohio. My Dad was in the Navy during WWII (MM).

Tolley, Kemp
November 21, 2020
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Kemp Tolley, USCS #8090 The son of an active duty US Army officer, born at Ft. McKinley, Manila, Philippines on 29 April 1908, Rear Admiral Kemp Tolley, U S Navy

Shay, Steve
November 21, 2020
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Steve Shay, USCS #L-10,821 I’ve been collecting naval covers for 35 years. I started out collecting stamps and the same album that I still use today is inscribed and dated

Young, John
November 21, 2020
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John Young, USCS #L-8219 I’ve been a stamp collector since I first took two five cents stamps off an airmail letter received by mother from her Boston cousin. They were

Hoffner, Rich
November 21, 2020
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Rich Hoffner, USCS #H-4456 When you are in your sixties today, you are still a relatively young person. But, I find that when you sit down to write about your

Helman, Paul
November 21, 2020
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Paul Helman, USCS #L-7378 I joined the USCS in 1973. I’ve collected stamps for as long as I can remember. My mother had a large worldwide collection begun by her

Brennan, Lawrence B.
November 21, 2020
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Lawrence B. Brennan, USCS #L-6221 My interest in naval covers developed in the early 1960s as my father encouraged me to write for ships’ postmarks as an outgrowth of my

Lynch, Joe
November 21, 2020
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Joe Lynch, USCS #5279 I would like to express my appreciation for this particular column in the pages of the Log. I find it refreshing and new and quite enlightening.

Morain, Dick
November 21, 2020
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Dick Morain, USCS #10,310 When I was five, my father sent for a premium from the Planters Peanut Company. It was a small stamp album and a packet of worldwide

Hoak, Frank
November 21, 2020
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Frank M. Hoak III, USCS #H-6194 The United States Navy has been apart of my life since my first day in San Pedro, California in 1937, where my father was

Hall, Richard
November 21, 2020
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Richard Hall, USCS #9553 I joined the USCS in 1984 as a result of meeting Taze Nicholson at the 1984 VAPEX Stamp Show. He got me interested in Naval covers

Korth, Roger
November 21, 2020
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Roger Korth, USCS #11,895 I was introduced to the USCS by member number 137, Emil A. Thurman. Of course I’m sure Emil has gone on to a better life by

Tjossem, Don
November 21, 2020
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Don Tjossem, USCS #10,987 My first introduction to philatelic interests began in the 1950s at the age of about 11 when I started sending away for First Day Covers. Since

Solarz, Sanford
November 21, 2020
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Sanford Solarz, USCS #9656 The member of the month this month is Sanford “Sandy” Solarz. Sandy provided some personal information that is being fashioned into this article. Sandy is known

Goodwin, Dan
November 21, 2020
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Dan Goodwin, USCS #4487 47 years ago on 3 July Sandra and I were married. Raising a family in the 1960’s was much simpler than it is today. We have

Jacobs, Dan
November 21, 2020
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Dan Jacobs, USCS #11,343 First and foremost, I’m a stamp collector, an off and on hobby I’ve enjoyed since 1944. My specialties are Canada and U.S. and am now combining