Sanford Solarz, USCS #9656 The member of the month this month is Sanford “Sandy” Solarz. Sandy provided some personal information that is being fashioned into this article. Sandy is known to the USCS membership for writing a fourteen part article…
Goodwin, Dan
Dan Goodwin, USCS #4487 47 years ago on 3 July Sandra and I were married. Raising a family in the 1960’s was much simpler than it is today. We have one son, two daughters and eight grand-children. Daughter Vicki is…
Jacobs, Dan
Dan Jacobs, USCS #11,343 First and foremost, I’m a stamp collector, an off and on hobby I’ve enjoyed since 1944. My specialties are Canada and U.S. and am now combining my U.S. with that of my wife’s, the balance I’m…
Ciesielski, Gregory R.
Gregory R. Ciesielski, USCS #11879 First and most importantly, I am married and have been for 23 years. My wife is my best friend and greatest supporter. We have had three kids, two are deceased and the other lives in…
Zurn, Karl
Karl Zurn, USCS #11,248 “When you are in your sixties today, you are still a relatively young person. But, I find that when you sit down to write about your life, you sure do feel old.” Quote from Rich Hoffner,…
French, Chuck
Chuck French, USCS #L-2603 It is appropriate that this year the USCS honors the 60th Anniversary of the 1946 Bikini Atom Bomb Test, as that’s the event that got me really “gung ho” into the hobby of collecting naval covers.…
Wentworth, Roger
Roger A. Wentworth, USCS #9963 I began collecting FDC covers and U.S. postage stamps when I was about 10 years old. I then branched out into U.S. Possession covers and stamps when I was in high school in the mid…
Bosley, Jackson
Jackson Bosley, USCS #L-7488 I have been involved with some aspect of philately since 1931 – just 76 years! It started when a neighbor lady formed a group of stamp collectors. My first cover was a self-addressed and stamped letter…
Rawlins, Bob
Bob Rawlins, USCS #5490 Looking back, I often wish that I had known about the USCS when I was a midshipman at the Naval Academy during WWII. Or even after I was commissioned in 1947 as an Ensign. Then, I…
Cunningham, Joseph E.
Joseph E. Cunningham, USCS #2763 Joseph and I have corresponded some over the past 10 years and I’ve learned something about his service life and work life and I thought it would be interesting reading for USCS members. Joseph was…