Steve Shay, USCS #L-10,821
I’ve been collecting naval covers for 35 years. I started out collecting stamps and the same album that I still use today is inscribed and dated on my seventh birthday. (I’ve added a few binders for supplements since then.) As I remember it, I read an article in Linn’s Stamp News providing the address for the USS Bon Homme Richard and my mom typed an envelope for me and my dad helped me send away for a ship’s cancel and ship’s cachet in 1970. (I still have the cover, in fact it is used in one of my current exhibits.) My first collecting interest was to collect covers from the ships that were at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. (I’d read Day of Infamy by Walter Lord many times by then.) Since then I have learned much about naval covers and have added other interests to my collection, including ships built at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, submarines, classics and naval covers postmarked on St. Patrick’s Day. And like many collectors, I collect anything that catches my eye. I enjoy learning about military history and naval covers are a good fit.
Like many hobbyists, I have too many hobbies and interests and never have enough time to enjoy them all.
I joined the USCS in 1995, became a member of the USS Saginaw Chapter in 1996 and became Secretary of the chapter and editor of our newsletter in 1997, a position I still hold. In June of 1998 I was asked to take over the Secretary position for the Society, a position I continue to hold today. I’ve attended each convention since 1998. I’ve written a few Log articles and prepared a Data Sheet on Navy Day 1945 cancels. I’ve been exhibiting for 4 years. I also do the Cover of the Month write up posted on this web site each month.
As USCS Secretary, I prepare and mail the membership packages for all new members, mail information to those who request information about naval covers or the USCS, submit a monthly membership report and prepare the monthly mailing list used by our printer to mail the Log. I tally the results of issues that the Board votes on and publish the results and prepare the minutes at the annual Board and General Membership meetings. Currently I am working on making changes to our web site. I find myself doing something society related virtually every day and I enjoy it.
In “real” life, I am a degreed Industrial Engineer and have been working in manufacturing management positions for over 25 years. Currently I am the Transportation and Export Compliance Manager for an international firm in Silicon Valley (San Jose, California) that manufactures equipment used by chipmakers to convert silicon wafers into electronic chips. I’m married to Kathleen Murphy who I first met while in college in 1975. We are the proud guardians of Rigby, our 3 year old Papillon dog and traveling companion.
My First Naval Cover
by Steve Shay