Catalog of United States Naval Postmarks Vol. II: Receiving Ships

This is the first catalog that focuses on an area of naval covers often overlooked by collectors:  Receiving Ships, Barracks Ships, and Station Ships.   Usually these were older warships repurposed by the navy.  The book is available in both Printed form, or as download in PDF format.

$12.00 $55.00

SKU: CatUSNPV2RS201204-1 Category:


Catalog of United States Naval Postmarks Vol. II: Receiving Ships

David A. Kent, Editor in Chief

This 44-page book contains a listing of Receiving Barracks, Stations, and Station Ships by geographical location, with a listing of the different postmarks in use at each Receiving Ship.  Color illustrations are used to show cancellations, covers and post cards.  This catalog is the first comprehensive attempt to catalog the many postal markings that were used at these facilities.

The various options can be seen below.  To purchase, go to the “Choose and Option” button above and select the product you want.
Pricing for Printed Version of Catalog:
                        Member Price (postpaid U.S. address)                       $17.50
                        Non-member (postpaid U.S. address)                        $27.50
                        International Member Price (1st class mail)               $45
                        International Non-Member Price (1st class mail)       $55
Pricing for Electronic Version (PDF format) via download:
                        Member Price                                                               $12
                        Non-member  Price                                                      $22

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Member Price (postpaid U.S. address), Non-member (postpaid U.S. address), International Member Price (1st class mail), International Non-Member Price (1st class mail), Current Member – PDF Downloadable, Non-Member – PDF Downloadable