Naval Covers Fakes, Forgeries and Frauds
As long as there have been collectors, there have been those who have manufactured articles meant to deceive a collector or have manufactured not quite genuine articles meant to please a collector. Depending on the intent behind the manufacturing, these articles are known as fakes and forgeries. Many hobbies run into fakes and forgeries. Some collector groups do an excellent job of documenting these articles to inform members. Sometimes the information is well known by current collectors but not documented and the next generation of collectors must learn the hard way.
In 2007 the directors of the USCS had extensive conversations about the sale of fraudulent material to a member. A decision was made to run a series of educational articles in the USCS monthly Log to document known fake, forged and fraudulent naval covers. The resulting series ran monthly in the February 2008 – February 2009 Logs. The authors of these articles, Bob Rawlins, David Kent, John Young, Frank Hoak III, Lawrence Brennan, Rich Hoffner and Mike Vining were subsequently awarded the USCS Stanton Honeyman writing award for the 2008 Log year.
The information in these articles is presented here for all collectors of naval covers.
Part 1, Introduction to Naval Cover Fakes, Forgeries and Frauds
Part 2, John Gill’s “Chapter No.1” Cancel
Part 3, The Hobby Shop Covers
Part 4, Naval Ship Cancels of December 7, 1941
Part 5, Fred Karcher Vietnam Covers
Part 6, Fred L. Karcher: A Legacy of Fake and Fraudulent Naval Postmarks
Part 7, Fraudulent Covers of Ron Reeves
Part 8, US Space Recovery Ship Cancels and Charles Riser
Part 9, Glenn Dye Covers
Part 10, Glenn Dye Covers, continued
Part 11, Back Dates
Part 12, 1931 Wilkins-Ellsworth Trans Arctic Expedition
Part 13, Parting Thoughts
The various options can be seen below. To purchase, go to the “Choose and Option” button above and select the product you want.
Pricing for Naval Covers Fakes, Frauds and Forgeries:
Member Price (postpaid U.S. address) $15
Non-member (postpaid U.S. address) $25
International Member Price (1st class mail) $22 International Non-Member Price (1st class mail) $32
Note: The PDF version of Naval Covers Fakes, Frauds and Forgeries can be downloaded for FREE. Here is the link: