Pictorial Postmarks

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  • #9747
    Rich Hoffner

    I just ordered the pictorials for Newport News VA post office. We have an arrangement there to provide them and member Leonhard Venne will go there and service your covers. Leonhard Venne deserves your support. Perhaps include a cover for him when you send yours. They will all be mailed out soon, but don’t get ahead of yourself, only send covers after the anniversary date. I would upload the images but I can’t figure that out yet. Wish we could figure out what to do at Groton CT.

    I will add the images in another post since I just figured this out!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Hoffner.
    Rich Hoffner

    FYI: I sent a certified letter to the Connecticut Valley District of the USPS in Hartford, CT last week. I spelled out our problems with Groton in great detail. No replay yet but I am watching my emails and my rural mailbox every day.

    Rich Hoffner

    I am at a standstill on why the Groton CT post office has been MIA with regard to pictorial postmarks. None have been acknowledged for 2021. All required paperwork was submitted. At this point I can only suggest that perhaps if collectors complaints were received we may bet a resolution to this problem. The best two places that could intervene would be these addresses. I aks that you take a few minutes and write to both addresses and explain any requests you made and any covers that are missing. If we do this we might get results.


    Connecticut Valley District-Retail


    141 Weston St

    Hartford CT 06101


    USPS/Stamp Fulfillment Services

    Manager Cancellations Division

    8300  NE Underground Drive, Pillar 210

    Kansas City, MO 64144-9998


    Rich Hoffner

    These are the pictorials I have had the most requests about.SSBN-733 35th AnniversarySSBN-737 30th AnniversarySSBN-742 25th Anniversary

    Rich Hoffner

    Just wanted to see if I could upload a cover that just came back from USS DETROIT LCS 7. I found the crest on the Internet and save it and added it to the cover.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Hoffner.
    Rich Hoffner

    These are the most recent pictorials that will be applied for at the Newport News post office. Do not send before the date of the event.SSN-775 15th Anniversary revisedSSN-773 25th Anniversary revisedSSN-721 35th Anniversary pmkSSN-758 30th Anniversary pmk rev.SSN-781, 10th Anniversary

    Rich Hoffner

    CVN-71 35TH Anniversary

    Looks like the max that can be uploaded to a message is five images. There is sixth image. The ASHEVILLE image will not be that large.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Rich Hoffner.
    John Germann

    Some nice pix, Rich. This seems to be very easy to use.

    Charlie Hamilton

    Rich/All, In an Aug 17th email, Lloyd noted that only 5 images could be uploaded on any single post. The pictorial cancels look good.



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